Once relegated to the margins of society, pornography has emerged as one of the most visible and profitable sectors of the cultural industries, assuming an unprecedented role in the mainstream of our popular culture at the same time that its content has become more extreme and harsh, more overtly sexist and racist. This eye-opening and disturbing film tackles the complexity behind this seeming paradox, placing the voices of critics, producers, and performers alongside the observations of men and women as they candidly discuss the role pornography has played in shaping their sexual imaginations and relationships. Honest and non-judgmental, The Price of Pleasure moves beyond the liberal versus conservative debates so common in the culture to paint a myth-busting and nuanced portrait of how pleasure and pain, commerce and power, liberty and responsibility have become intertwined in the most intimate area of our lives. An ideal tool for initiating classroom discussion about this ...色情业一旦沦为社会边缘,就成为文化产业中最有形、有利可图的行业之一,在大众文化的主流中扮演着史无前例的角色,同时它的内容也变得更加极端和苛刻,更为明显的性别歧视和种族歧视。这张令人眼花缭乱和令人不安的电影处理了这个看似悖论背后的复杂性,把批评家、制片人和表演者的声音放在男人和女人的观察之外,因为他们坦率地讨论色情作品在塑造他们的性幻想和关系中所起的作用。诚实和不带评判性,快乐的代价超越了文化中常见的自由与保守的争论,描绘了一幅颠覆神话的细致入微的画像,描绘了快乐与痛苦、商业与权力、自由与责任在我们生活中最亲密的领域是如何交织在一起的。一个启动课堂讨论的理想工具。。。由Gail,Dines,,Richard,Wolff,,Robert,Jensen等主演。